Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Tangerine" in Dublin is the place to be...

Howdy blog readers, today hip chick went on a field trip to lovely downtown Dublin. Not Ireland, mind you, but California. My new friend Julee told me about her friend Gina's cute shop called Tangerine, and being I like to support other hip chicky types I went to check it out. It was delicious!
It was a bit Hip Chick and a bit more, I was drooling over everything.
I wanted to buy it all, she has incredible taste. Tangerine also offers art classes and she sells a ton of great art supplies for them. I aim to do the same eventually so it was very inspiring for me to see how she had it all laid out. Gina Gabriell the owner, was a delightful lady.
She is one of those multi talented women who you wanna hate cause they are so damn good at everything but you can't because they are so doggone sweet. Yup that's her. And she has a heart wrenching story. Her daughter died of brain cancer at age 19 in 2007. I could hardly breathe when she told me this...she shares her story on her blog. Gina is an powerful writer.
Frankly I am awed by women like Gina. She is incredibly balanced, she's talented and charming and STRONG. The store alone impressed me but meeting Gina and hearing her story blew me away..
it's inspiring to meet someone who teaches you things. Gina taught me a lot today without even realizing it. First she taught me about how I want to incorporate art supplies into Hip Chick's shop, like she does so well at Tangerine. Secondly she taught me about strength and hope through her courageous battle with Stevie's passing, and trying to move forward with having more children. Lastly she taught me to keep doing what I'm doing (again unbeknownst to her) because I want to be like her when I grow up. I want to make all different types of art, I want to sell it online and at the shop, I want to facilitate workshops, and surround myself with people making art a part of their lives.
Here is Gina's studio which she said was messy, honey if that's messy she'd faint at my desk!
so all I can say is it was a pleasure to go to Tangerine today. I discovered a real treasure in more ways than one. For those of you who live nearby I highly recommend you treat yourself by going to this shop. People like Gina help me better myself by showing me where I can go....and I in turn can help someone else. It's all part of the journey. As long as we make art a part of life we are going to be just fine...or as Gina's slogan says so well,
"Make Art=Be Happy"