Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Artist need people to believe in them

Color Splash Bubble Pictures, Images and Photos

"As artists, we need people who can see us for who we are-as big as we are and as small as we are, as competent and powerful as we are, and as terrified and as tiny as we sometimes feel. As artists, we need people who believe in us and are able to see our large selves, and people who are able to be gentle and compassionate with our smaller selves. It is tremendously important to accurately distinguish who among our friends can accommodate each size."
Julia Cameron "The Artist's Way Everyday"

Yesterday I bought the book "The Artist's Way Everyday" and I decided to share this entry for today, July 14th. I LOVE how Julia Cameron validates the artist psyche and knows just how to direct positive encouragement. She has inspired me more than any other, so I happily share her words of wisdom. If I think of art as a way of connecting with the universe and not about how it might sell, be interpreted, be judged, be not good enough, becomes a tool and a means of connecting to the greater good. I need to constantly tell my ego with it's LOUD voice to go away, leave me alone while I try to make something beautiful. It's there at every step trying to sabotage me and convince me I'm not good enough, original enough, clever enough and on and on....SHUT UP! I have to scream at it. Often. It's tiring and frustrating. But worth it because when it does shut up and I can get centered and flow with the creative process, it's all worth it. Nothing please me more than making something beautiful. It's like the best high there is. The next best feeling is when someone else loves your creation too and validates you by telling you so. We artist's need this encouragement and it fuels us to keep creating. I love making a painting for someone and seeing their excitement and happiness, this makes me feel so good I could fly. Then I know all my efforts are in the right direction. I'm off to the studio to paint and create. I urge you to make something, anything, today that gives you a feeling of usefulness and pride. It can be as simple as a hand picked vase of flowers, just create for the sake of being able to do so......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My baby boy is turning 19, how could it be?

Wednesday is Alex's 19th birthday but he will going to camp so we celebrated on Monday night. We made the famous "mama's tacos" and the in-laws and Molly and Ann came to help us celebrate. Alex wanted a banjo for his birthday and he got one! It's a beauty and we all had fun playing it. Abby got her braces on so she wasn't feeling tip top but she had a good time nonetheless..
Tomorrow I go back to the shop after a nice break from my vacation. I am eager to paint my flower picture, start another for Melissa who commissioned one (thank GOD) and chat with Laura about the business. We are going to talk about way's to market hip chick and get it rockin' and rollin'. I love the creative side and I can use help in the business side so this is a good thing.
I'm lovin the summer so far, the weather is killer and I have two more fun trips to look forward to. Sun Valley is the end of the month, going to visit my artist friend Sharon, and Hawaii is in August. This hip chick loves nothing better than a road trip and the tropics so I'm pretty psyched. I hope you are having a fun summer and I'd love to hear from you about any ideas, inspirations or just feedback in general about how I can launch hip chick's business forward. Thanks for being on my team!!