Well it's Saturday at 8:11 and I am getting ready for the big weekend, it's our open studios at the Arsenal in Benicia. I have tried to spread this news ad nausem on facebook and with postcards etc. I never did post on my blog so better late than never right?! I have a new line of fragrances called ToykoMilk and they are yummy! plus loads of Christmas decor, art, cheery music, snacks and best of all ME! haha...
So I hope all you fans can come and celebrate this occasion, perhaps find some Christmas presents and have fun looking at all the art studios here in the Arsenal. I love open houses, I was always a snoop when I was young so when you can go in someone's private place it's a treat. There is every possible kind of art and flavor happening here, and the talent is enormous. I am honored to be a part of this community of creatively talented individuals. I feel like a kindergartner compared but at least I'm in the game ya know!! Pictures to follow of course so stay tuned and thanks for your support!!
I will be there today oor tomorrow!