Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hip Chick's first class

Saturday was a great day, it started with a tutu sale before I even got out of bed! WOO HOO!  That's what I'm talkin' bout.  Then I had my first art class and I was totally prepared and excited.  I had 5 students sign up for my timeline class which I had learned from taking "Soul Restoration" from the "Brave Girls club".  I found the experience so powerful I wanted to share it with others so I decided it would be my first class at Hip Chick Designs.  My students were Paula Oesterling, Carrie Nerheim, Donna Butler and Paula Wayne. We started off with introducing ourselves, followed by a 10 minute meditation to quiet our minds and reflect on our lives.  After we finished our meditation I instructed the girls on the structure of the book.  They all dove in and made quick progress and before I knew it they were all ready to put their images to paper.  The class was a timeline of our life and I provided images while also encouraging them to bring pictures of their life to use if they chose.  These ladies were fired up and they just rolled through the different pages, adding images, text and creating 3D pop up work to boot!  I happily facilitated any questions but these gals had none, they just went for it.  Here are some pictures of this wonderful day....


Paula Oesterling

Paula Wayne

Donna Butler

Carrie Nerheim

Paula and Carrie working..

Paula Oesterling's finished piece and her overall experience...
"I enjoyed the camaraderie and that we have done something personal and special.  I loved picking your brain about art.  It's the most fun I've had in along time".
Donna Butler's timeline...
"Don't be afraid, it's so much fun.  I didn't think I could do it, I've enjoyed it so much.  It made me think and remember."

Paula Wayne's timeline
"I was so excited the night before I came and it was even more fun than I thought it'd be.  A great experience, and a good way to get reacquainted with yourself."
Carrie Nerheim's timeline....
"You eased me into it gradually and before I knew it, I was an artist!"

There had to be a tutu picture finale!

What a blast, thanks girls for being my first students, I am psyched to do more classes in the future....I will be doing decoupaged busts in October and then we also have Laura's charm bracelet class Sept 17th and Diane's garden scene class Oct 29th.  Check website for
thanks for checking in on Hip Chick happenings!!

1 comment:

  1. I want to come and take the decoupaged bust class........I LOVE those....So COOOOOOOL!!!!!
